Monday, April 19, 2010

Being a New Mom

A few weeks ago Mark got some tickets to go and see the ReAL SL. I thought, yea that would be fun, we can bring Emerie in her new Baby Bjorn, the weather will be perfect and it will just be a good time! WRONG!!! I didnt even think about the noise in the stadium! My poor baby :( We got there and got to our seats just as they were finishing the National Anthem. As we sat down they started celebrating the fact that the ReAL had won the championship last season and it was really loud. Normally i enjoy loud crouds and cheering but as i looked at my princess she was screaming at the top of her lungs :(! I yelled to Mark that we may have to leave because it was way too loud for Emerie there. One of the guys that Mark works with was there as well and since we had APX seats we were able to go into the Club House. Emerie and I sat in there the whole game and watched on the big screen. Still fun but i felt terrible that i didnt even think of the noise bothering her, i guess i still have a few things to learn with this whole "mom" stuff :)! After we got home Mark and i started thinking of all the thing that we like to do and see and how noisy they usually are i.e. Supercross, baseball games all kinds of things. We got online and found the CUTEST little ear muffs for Emerie to wear so that we can still go to these things and she wont go deaf!!. Another learning moment came last week, I went to hang out with one of my friends who had just had a baby two months before me and we were talking about being new moms. I started telling her about one of my embarrasing moments, Emerie had her two month doctors appointment and the nurse always has you undress your baby before they weigh and measure them. I undressed Emerie and we were waiting in the room for the nurse to come in. Emerie was on my lap and she was stretching, you know where she puts her arms up above her head and sticks her bum out, as she reached for the sky i could see her little armpits and in them was this cheese like substance (I know, gross!) . I felt so bad for Emerie! Here I was thinking I had been bathing her really good and trying to get all her creases clean and she had made cheese in her armpits!! Well my friend that I was telling this story too had mentioned behind the ears, which I again thought "oh yea I have cleaned there", but she pointed out that there is kind of a little pocket back there, well sure enough when I got home and checked it out and I defenatly needed to clean better back there! AAHHH there are so many cracks and creases that I didnt even know were there! She is now clean unless there are more creases that i dont know about! Poor Emerie she is going to have to bare with me while I learn all this stuff! Here are some pics from the last week or longer :)

These are her headphones! she seems to like them :)

I got her a new hat to wear this summer at the pool.

Our little APX baby!

So this pick you can kind of see her acne, which has gotten alot better now!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

crazy dreams

Its been a few days so i thought i better get back to blogging so i can make a habit out of this!! Mark got sick last week and ended up staying home with Emerie and i the end of the week. It was nice to spend some extra time with him even if i was just taking care of a grumpy sick dude :) (sorry babe but you get really grumpy when you dont feel good!)

Emerie is doing great! I was worried that she was going to get sick but this girl has an amazing immune system just like her mommy! She does get snotty noses but i think that is normal. Its so weird i have the weirdest dreams now that i am a mommy! Its mostly when i get to take a nap or right after i have fed her in the middle of the night. I will dream that something is happening to my baby and i wake up and realize that she is just fine but i have this "mommy bear" protective feeling that wont go away till she wakes from her nap or in the morning, and i get to hold her! i really miss her when she sleeps!! I really love being Emerie's mom, she doesnt sleep through the night consistantly but she does more nights then not. She will usually go to bed about 9 and get up between 3-5 to eat then got back to sleep for another 3 hours, then she wants to play. I try to get her back to sleep but i cant when she is just looking at me and smiling! Well enough talk here are some more pics of our little princess!

Emerie with Mr. Bojangles

She loves bath time!

This one cracks me up! she just woke up and i love her hair and sleepy face!!


I havent taken many new pics of her because of her acne :(

Friday, April 2, 2010

So not a whole lot to say today but i thought i would post some more pics of Emerie! Everyone loves pics right? At Emerie's two month appointment she weighed 9 lbs and 12 oz, and she is now 22 inches long, my little girl is so grown up :)

I just love her in this little jacket!

Waiting with Dad to leave for church....

Pretty blue eyes

If you look close you can see Emerie has dimples!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Emerie's first photo shoot!

Wow two days in a row! I am so proud of myself :) i am hoping that our families, who live all across the US, are able to follow us on here and watch as our beautiful little family grows. I don't have a lot to say today but we did get Emerie's Pictures back, YAY!! I know that i may be bias but i just think that she is the prettiest little girl ever!! Right now she has a BAD case of baby acne and it just hurts me to see her face all blotchy :( i feel like she came to us so perfect and i am already messing her up! Her doctor says that it should clear up and that i shouldn't worry unless it lasts for more then a few months! A FEW MONTHS!! I don't want her little face to be marked up for that long! I wash her face and sheets as often as i should so hopefully it wont last that long, we shall see. Enjoy the pics!!

Love this girl!!