Wednesday, July 28, 2010

27 On The 27th!!

Yesterday was Marks 27th Birthday. I wanted to take some time to write a few things down for him.......

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

27 Reasons why I love you!!

1. You have the best dimples! I have always loved your dimples (and you passed them onto Emerie!)
2. I love how when we are just sitting somewhere you will say "Scratch" or "are there ants on my back?"
3. You are ALWAYS helping someone! You love to do service for others.
4. Emerie Loves you so much. If you are in the room then she has to be watching you or in your arms.
5. Probably one of the HARDEST workers I know. You work so hard for our family. We have everything we need because you work so hard.
6. I love your "finger toes". (long skinny toes)
7. I love the "Buck tooth Rabbit". You do this thing when your thinking hard or doing something strenuous with your mouth, its so hot :)
8. I love that you love animals. We have two dogs but if anyone were to ask you, you would say you have two sons Mr. Bojangles, and Bear Cub.
9. Always on time for church. We have to be out of the door early or I am in trouble. You have to be on time for church, which i love.
10. You are so good looking
11. It doesn't matter that i spend all day with Emerie, when your here she would rather be with her daddy.
12. LOVE to work in the yard. We have such a nice yard and its all because you work so hard on it and you love it!
13. You are sooo funny! You have been making me laugh since the day i met you. You just get funnier and funnier as time goes on.
14. Family is the most important thing to you and you love yours.
15. Love any and ALL movies about war!
16. Every once in a while you will surprise me with girly movies, and i love that!
17. You always answer your phone when i call. You could be in the middle of a meeting but you will answer if i am calling.
18. Strong testimony.
19. So protective of your sister. If i had an older brother i would want him to be like you.
20. You LOVE Atlanta Sports teams. You once told me how you wanted to cry because of how much you loved the Braves and the Falcons. haha
21. You love Emerie more than anything in this world.
22. You love to stay busy.
23. Grill master
24. I love how you have to mix up where you sleep. Sometimes we will sleep on the couch cuz its just different then where we normally sleep.
25. Your so amazing with my brothers and sisters.
26. You watch "The Bachelor" with me, even if its to make fun.
27. You are my best friend. I cant imagine spending my life and all of eternity with anyone else!

Happy Birthday (yesterday) my love!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recently Emerie has been making the funniest faces! She will scrunch up her nose and breathe really fast in and out. It's just so cute that i have to post videos so you can see it for yourself!! She will normally do this for a while but i think she is a little camera shy :). I cant believe that she is just about 6 months old!! It makes me so excited to watch her grow but also so sad that she is growing so fast. I guess I just need to have more babies, especially if they are all going to be as fun as Em is!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Home Teaching

Tom Cruise's thoughts on Home teaching! I saw this on a friends Blog and thought it was SOOO funny!